Manual Software

With this eect, you create area-wide matrix animations. For this, a matrix of any size must
have been created in the patch. Select the matrix in the preview.
Similar to the sequencer, run patterns and parameters are given here. Choose a suitable pat‐
tern and adjust the colours as needed.
‘Num.’ (number) determines how many individual colours the pattern consists of. Click on a
colour box and set the desired colour with the colour picker. Some patterns allow less colours.
The number will decrease automatically in this case.
Use ‘Size’ to change the size of the continuous colour block. The more pixels in the matrix, the
better the larger blocks appeal.
‘Fade’ is the blending of two colours. When ‘Fade’ is set to 0, there is no smooth transition
between the colours and the colours change abruptly.
‘Step’ reduces the number of single steps. As a result, the pattern runs faster and with a lower
‘Speed’ is the speed of the pattern. Consider this speed as 100 %. If you try to set all the eects
to about the same basic speed, you can later adjust the eect speed via the Speed Master (see
Live Board) and go beyond 100 %.
Programming scenes
DMX Joker