Arithmetic and Logic. These instructions are
used to perform arithmetic calculations and logic
operations. In AND, ADD, CP, SUB instructions
one operand is always the accumulator while, de-
pending on the addressing mode, the other can be
either a data space memory location or an imme-
diate value. In CLR, DEC, INC instructions the op-
erand can be any of the 256 data space address-
es. In COM, RLC, SLA the operand is always the
Table 16. Arithmetic & Logic Instructions
X,Y Index Registers
V, W Short Direct Registers
∆ Affected
# Immediate data (stored in ROM memory)
* Not Affected
rr Data space register
Instruction Addressing Mode Bytes Cycles
ADD A, (X) Indirect 1 4
ADD A, (Y) Indirect 1 4
ADD A, rr Direct 2 4
ADDI A, #N Immediate 2 4
AND A, (X) Indirect 1 4
AND A, (Y) Indirect 1 4
AND A, rr Direct 2 4
ANDI A, #N Immediate 2 4
CLR A Short Direct 2 4
CLR r Direct 3 4 * *
COM A Inherent 1 4
CP A, (X) Indirect 1 4
CP A, (Y) Indirect 1 4
CP A, rr Direct 2 4
CPI A, #N Immediate 2 4
DEC X Short Direct 1 4
DEC Y Short Direct 1 4
DEC V Short Direct 1 4
DEC W Short Direct 1 4
DEC A Direct 2 4
DEC rr Direct 2 4
DEC (X) Indirect 1 4
DEC (Y) Indirect 1 4
INC X Short Direct 1 4
INC Y Short Direct 1 4
INC V Short Direct 1 4
INC W Short Direct 1 4
INC A Direct 2 4
INC rr Direct 2 4
INC (X) Indirect 1 4
INC (Y) Indirect 1 4
RLC A Inherent 1 4
SLA A Inherent 2 4
SUB A, (X) Indirect 1 4
SUB A, (Y) Indirect 1 4
SUB A, rr Direct 2 4
SUBI A, #N Immediate 2 4