
Digital main blocks LIS3DH
22/54 DocID17530 Rev 2
5 Digital main blocks
5.1 FIFO
The LIS3DH embeds a 32-level FIFO for each of the three output channels, X, Y and Z.
This allows consistent power saving for the system, since the host processor does not need
to continuously poll data from the sensor, but it can wake up only when needed and burst
the significant data out from the FIFO.
In order to enable the FIFO buffer, the FIFO_EN bit in CTRL_REG5 (24h) must be set to ‘1’.
This buffer can work according to the following different modes: Bypass mode, FIFO mode,
Stream mode and Stream-to-FIFO mode. Each mode is selected by the FM [1:0] bits in
FIFO_CTRL_REG (2Eh). Programmable FIFO watermark level, FIFO empty or FIFO
overrun events can be enabled to generate dedicated interrupts on the INT1 pin
(configuration through CTRL_REG3 (22h)).
In the FIFO_SRC_REG (2Fh) register the EMPTY bit is equal to ‘1’ when all FIFO samples
are ready and FIFO is empty.
In the FIFO_SRC_REG (2Fh) register the WTM bit goes to ‘1’ if new data is written in the
buffer and FIFO_SRC_REG (2Fh) (FSS [4:0]) is greater than or equal to FIFO_CTRL_REG
(2Eh) (FTH [4:0]). FIFO_SRC_REG (2Fh) (WTM) goes to ‘0’ if reading an X, Y, Z data slot
from FIFO and FIFO_SRC_REG (2Fh) (FSS [4:0]) is less than or equal to
FIFO_CTRL_REG (2Eh) (FTH [4:0]).
In the FIFO_SRC_REG (2Fh) register the OVRN_FIFO bit is equal to ‘1’ if the FIFO slot is
5.1.1 Bypass mode
In Bypass mode the FIFO is not operational and for this reason it remains empty. For each
channel only the first address is used. The remaining FIFO levels are empty.
Bypass mode must be used in order to reset the FIFO buffer when a different mode is
operating (i.e. FIFO mode).
5.1.2 FIFO mode
In FIFO mode, the buffer continues filling data from the X, Y and Z accelerometer channels
until it is full (a set of 32 samples stored). When the FIFO is full, it stops collecting data from
the input channels and the FIFO content remains unchanged.
An overrun interrupt can be enabled, I1_OVERRUN = '1' in the CTRL_REG3 (22h) register,
in order to be raised when the FIFO stops collecting data. When the overrun interrupt
occurs, the first data has been overwritten and the FIFO stops collecting data from the input
After the last read it is necessary to exit Bypass mode in order to reset the FIFO content.
After this reset command, it is possible to restart FIFO mode just by selecting the FIFO
mode configuration (FM[1:0] bits) in register FIFO_CTRL_REG (2Eh).