User manual

SiX User Guide
Application Examples
Recording Drums
SiX is easily recongured for other recording tasks. Here's a slightly more complex example that explores some of the more
advanced routing features of SiX to set-up a classic drum recording technique.
Here we have a three mic drum setup; kick, snare and mono overhead.
The kick and snare microphones are connected to the SuperAnalogue XLR mic inputs and processed with the SSL channel
compression and EQ. The kick and snare are recorded to individual DAW tracks via the channel one and two Insert Sends (on the
Output 25 Way D-type and which are always ‘active’ on an SSL). The overhead is connected to the Talkback Mic XLR input, so it
can be heavily compressed through the LMC (Listen Mic Compressor).
The overhead is sent to the Stereo Cue 2 output jack by selecting the Foldback/Cue using the TALK, which acts as a split.
One side is connected to the DAW audio interface for recording. The other side is connected to one of the stereo channels, which
automatically sum a left mono connection to the Stereo Mix bus.
All three inputs are mixed down through the Stereo Bus Compressor and recorded as a parallel drum compression bus at the same
time as the individual tracks. DAW playback is connected to Stereo Input two.