User Manual

the computer.)
Step2. If your computer has installed with the other camera before, and step 1 above
is invalid,please do as follow:
For Windows XP SP2 and Windows 7/8/10 systems: Right-click on the "My
Computer" > "Manage" > "Device Manager" > open "Sound, Video and Game
Controllers, "Audio Inputs and Outputs" and "Cameras,uninstall "USB Live
camera" and "USB Live camera audio" in the above three options. Then remove the
camera and reconnect it to the computer, the computer reloads the camera and
installs the driver automatically.After that "USB Live Camera" will appear in "Device
Manager". Then you can initiate a video call now.
3.For Mac OS X Users:
The Webcam will be automatically installed when you conncet it to a Mac; no
additional software is required. To check whether the webcam is detected or not,you
may click the "Apple" menu(in the top left corner of your screen)and then click
"About this Mac".Click on "System Report" from the pop-up window that appears.
The System Information window for your Mac will appear. Navigate to the "USB"
Section and check to see whether the webcam is listed as a connected device(Show
as "USB Live Camera" like the photo below).