Operation Manual

Soundcraft Vi Series™ User Guide 1112 Page 5 - 3
L,R & C Master Processing
Figure 5-2A: Master Screen Displaying The Master Busses Processing Page.
This page is accessed by pressing the [SEL] key which is located below the L, R & C master faders.
The Master processing elds are shown in the Meter Area of the Master Screen.
In order to change the parameters for EQ, Dynamics or Pan, the appropriate area on the touch-screen
must be pressed; doing so will open a page whose VST area is similar to the lower half of Figures 5-9,
5-10 or 5-11.
Note: When selecting the PAN area, the page which will be displayed will be similar to Figure
5-11 except that the PAN, MASTER LR and MASTER C elds will not be present.
Note: The output levels of the L R & C Master outputs are always controlled by their dedicated