Operation Manual

Soundcraft Vi Series™ User Guide 1112Page 14 - 12
Press the Menu button on the console surface to open the Menu page. Choose the Settings tab at the top
of the Menu page.
The current time/date setting of the console’s internal clock is displayed at the top left of the screen.
Touch the SETUP button on the touchscreen below the time and date display to open an editing page on
the Vistonics encoders below. The encoders and buttons then allow various aspects of the time and date
to be adjusted, as follows:
DAY, MONTH and YEAR encoders set the date.
DATE FORMAT encoder sets one of three date formats for the console: These are:
DD/MM/YYYY, MM/DD/YYYY, YYYY/MM/DD. The console uses the selected format wherever it displays date
information (eg: Show le creation dates, time display in Main Menu page).
HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS encoders set the time.
TIME FORMAT encoder selects either 12-hour or 24-hour clock format.
AM/PM encoder selects AM or PM (12-hour time format only).
APPLY/CANCEL buttons applies the edited values to the console’s clock, or cancels the edits and returns
to the previously set date/time.