Operation Manual

Soundcraft Vi Series™ User Guide 1112Page 11 - 6
Solo Switching
Routes the Input SOLO Signals to the Monitor A Output.
Routes the Output SOLO from the Busses that are included in the OUT SOLO selection (see Figure 11-6)
to the Monitor A Output.
Routes the Talkback Return Signal to the Monitor A output.
Format eld
The encoder selects one of the following options to be the listening format (the icons are shown to the left
of the list):
LR left source to left monitor, right source to right monitor
RL left source to right monitor, right source to left monitor
LL left source to left and right monitor
RR right source to left and right monitor
Mono left and right source is summed and fed to left and right monitor.
The Centre signal is not affected.
MNTR B and HP Sections
Figure 11-5: Summary Of Monitor B and Headphones Option Functionality.