Operation Manual

Soundcraft Vi Series™ User Guide 1112Page 8 - 10
Paired Input channels within User-dened Fader Pages
The pairing system on the console allows channels to be paired either horizontally within any of the xed
Fader Pages, or vertically between any two adjacent xed Fader Pages. The pairing indication is
summarised using white rectangles on the console’s input meter overview screen, the layout of which
corresponds to the xed Fader Pages A, B and C.
It is not possible to create pairings between channels that are adjacent either horizontally or vertically, on
the User-dened fader pages. This is because channels can be placed in any order within the
User-dened fader pages, and if pairing was allowed, it would be possible to create links between
channels which might not be adjacent on the Fixed fader page (eg ch’s 1 and 64), and therefore could not
be shown on the meter screen –and could not be handled by the console’s DSP structure.
You can however still view or edit the pairing of channels from within a User-dened Fader page – the
standard pairing screen is still available within the Input function block of an Input channel strip.
What you will see when you open the pairing page from an Input channel is the same screen as you would
see if you opened the pairing page of that channel from within a xed Fader page – ie the pairing choices
you will be offered by the page will be the channels that are adjacent on the xed fader pages to the one
you have selected.
So let’s say you have Fader Page USER 1 active, and on this User page you have channel 37, with channel
1 on its left and channel 64 on its right.
If you open the pairing page for Ch37, you will see the screen below, which is the same screen you would
see if you opened the pairing page for Ch37 from a xed fader page – ie: it has Ch36 on the left and Ch38
on the right.
Be aware therefore that you will see channels laid out as they are in the xed fader pages, if you open the
pairing page from a User-dened fader page.