Operation Manual

Vi5000/7000 User Manual
17.2.2: DELAYS
17.2.2: DELAYS
Ducker Level
Ducking attenuation amount.
Ducker Level sets the amount of attenuation once the signal has exceeded the threshold. 0dB is no ducking, 18dB
is the maximum amount of ducking to the delayed signal.
Ducker Threshold
Set the input signal level at which ducking occurs.
Studio, Mono and Pong delays only. Ducking causes delay repeats to be attenuated by a variable amount when an
input signal is present. As the performance pauses, the delay signal level returns to its normal setting. This allows
the delay to remain as an eect, but not clash with the original signal. For example whilst a vocalist is singing, the
level of delay is kept down, but in the pauses the level of the repeats is brought up to provide a smooth tail to the
vocal phrases. The Ducker Threshold sets the level at which the input signal has to be at for ducking to cut in – the
higher the threshold, the louder the signal has to be for ducking to occur.
TAP 1 & 2
Tap delay time relative to displayed delay time value.
2-Tap Delay only. Sets the percentage of the indicated delay time that is used for each tap.
Tap Level
Adjusts the output level of Tap 1 and Tap 2.
Specific to the Pong Delay eect - reverses the oset set by the Tap Ratio control.
Tap Pan
Adjust the pan positions in the stereo eld of Tap 1 and Tap 2.
Modulation Depth
Control the intensity of modulation, or “depth” in the Modulated Delay.
Lower settings produce a more subtle chorus eect, while higher values give a more lush chorusing of the delay