Operation Manual

6.5.1 6.5.1: INPUT CHANNEL > INPUT
Channel Input
Select Field / Group: INPUT Range Low Range High
Select either Input 1 or
Input 2 as the channel
The two physical channel inputs are assigned in the IN1
PATCH and IN2 PATCH elds.
IN 1 IN 2
Oscillator Input
Select Field / Group: INPUT Inactive Active
Assign the console's
central oscillator to the
input of this channel.
When OSC is active, the normal input selections are
disabled and the corresponding input touch eld is high-
lighted in orange.
off on
Input Gain Field / Group: GAIN Range Low Range High
Adjust the analogue
input gain.
This is an analogue gain stage, before analogue-to-digi-
tal conversion.
+10dB +65dB
Input Pad Field / Group: GAIN Inactive Active
Reduce the input sensi-
tivity by 20dB.
When the Pad is active, the PAD text in the input touch
eld is highlighted in blue.
0dB -20dB
Input Trim Field / Group: TRIM Range Low Range High
Adjust the digital input
This is the post analogue-to-digital conversion gain, in
the digital domain.
-36dB +15dB
Analogue Lo
Cut lter Field / Group: TRIM Inactive Active
Insert the analogue (pre
AD converter) low cut
lter (only analogue
When the analogue LO Cut lter is engaged, the LO Cut
symbol in the input touch eld is highlighted in blue. This
lter affects analogue inputs only.
Out In