Specification Sheet

Other features that enhance
the 7R III experience
A well thought out selection of customizable functions, detailed AE
and AWB settings, plus image management and sharing features
provide handy solutions to a wide range of professional needs.
My Menu & new menu interface
Fast parameter editing via Fn menu
Custom button assignments Anti-flicker shooting
Priority Set in AWB
Exposure standard adjustment
Location Information Link via Bluetooth
Wi-Fi / NFC
/ QR code FTP file transfer via Wi-Fi
File Names and Copyright
Instant mode dial recall of memorized camera setups
Flicker from fluorescent lights and
other artificial lighting can ruin still
images if it and the shutter timing
are out of sync. The
7R III auto-
matically detects flicker and adjusts
shutter timing to eliminate its effects.
A new M y Me nu feat ure a llows up to 3 0
items to be registered for instant recall.
Registered items can be arranged in
any convenient order, and unused items
can be erased as required. The primary
menus have also been reorganized for
smoother search and operation.
The first three characters of still im-
age file names can now be edited for
easier identification, and copyright
information can be automatically em-
Camera setups, including modes and cam-
era settings, can be registered in memory
for instant recall via the mode dial: up to
three in the camera, and four on a mem-
ory card. Memory card setups can also be
loaded into a separate
7R III body.
bedded in still image files. Record-
ing the photographers name and
author’s name along with images
provides basic copyright protection.
After the camera has been paired
to the PlayMemories Mobile™ app
installed on a compatible mobile
phone or tablet device, it can ac-
quire location data from the mobile
device and record that data with still
images or movies. The PlayMemo-
ries Home™ application can then
be used on a personal computer to
organize images imported into the
computer on a map.
When incandescent lamps or simi-
lar are the primary light source and
white balance is set to Auto, the color
tone priority can be set to Standard,
Ambience, or White. Ambience pri-
ority produces a warm tone, while
white priority is designed to provide
accurate white reproduction.
The Fn button can be used to quick-
ly display and select from up to 12
freely assignable functions while
shooting. Assign functions you use
frequently for fast, efficient selec-
tion and operation.
With one-touch remote, a smart-
phone or tablet functions as a view-
finder/remote control. One-touch
sharing transfers photos/videos to the
device. Install the PlayMemories Mo-
bile app on an NFC-enabled Android
device via Wi-Fi, then touch the device
to the camera to connect. The camera
now features QR code compatibility
This function allows convenient Wi-Fi
transfer of still image files selected
via the menu display to a specified
remote FTP server. FTPS (File Transfer
Protocol over SSL/TLS) is supported,
allowing SSL or TLS encrypted data
transfer for maximum security.
The standard exposure value can
be adjusted from -1 to +1 stop in 1/6
stop increments. This setting can be
made separately for each metering
Custom button assignments allow the
camera interface to be customized
for individual shooting preferences.
Eleven buttons can be reassigned to
select functions you choose, and sep-
arate functions can be assigned for
the still, movie, and playback modes.
ISO AUTO Min. shutter speed
This function sets the shutter speed
above which ISO sensitivity will begin
to change when the camera mode
is set to “P” or “A” and “ISO AUTO” is
selected. It can be used to minimize
subject blur when shooting moving
Customizable functions
Flexible Auto Exposure and Auto White Balance
Data management and sharing
light source
detected and
timing adjusted
1/100sec.(100Hz), 1/120sec.(120Hz)
The live view image is divided into
1,200 segments for detailed analysis
of subject color and lighting. The
use of focus information to ensure
consistent AE control is another
innovation that can reduce varia-
tions in image brightness in varying
The control direction of the front
and rear dials can be set via the
menus. It is also possible to assign
the large, accessible shutter button
to start and stop movie recording,
rather than using the MOVIE button.
A new Highlight mode detects the
brightest area in the frame to avoid
blown highlights, and an Entire
Screen Average mode can provide
stable auto exposure through com-
position changes.
When the Focus Area parameter is
set to Flexible Spot or Expand Flexible
Spot the metering spot location can
be linked to the focus area so that the
optimum metering point is maintained
automatically. Two spot sizes are avail-
able to match a wide range of subjects.
1200-segment live view exposure
analysis enhances stability
Customizable front/rear dials
and release button
Additional modes expand
metering versatility Versatile spot metering
* Only 100 Hz and 120 Hz flicker is detected. Continuous
shooting speed may decrease. Anti-flicker shooting is
not available during silent shooting, BULB exposure, or
movie recording.
* Bluetooth connectivity available with the following
terminal devices (at the date of release):
- Android (Android 5.0 or later, Bluetooth 4.0 or later)
- iPhone/iPad (iPhone 4S or later, 3rd generation iPad
or later)
Please refer to http://www.sony.net/pmm/btg/ for
more information.
* Use the latest version of PlayMemories Mobile.
* PlayMemories Mobile must be installed on the smartphone or tablet device.