User's Manual

To view your pictures
1 } Fun & Games }
YES } My pictures } YES.
2 The pictures are shown in thumbnail view. To get a full
view } YES.
To select a picture as wallpaper
1 } Settings } YES } Display } YES } Wallpaper } YES
} Select picture } YES.
2 Select a picture } YES.
To turn the wallpaper on or off
} Settings } YES } Display } YES } Wallpaper } YES
} Activate, select On or Off.
Exchanging pictures
You can send and receive pictures in picture messages.
For more information on sending pictures in messages,
% 32 Messaging.
To send a picture
1 } Fun & Games } YES } My pictures } YES.
2 Select a picture }
YES. Press .
3 } Send } YES and write a picture message.
Animations can only be viewed when inserting an item
in a text message, % 32 To insert an item in a text
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