User's Manual

To forward a message
1 When you have read the message }
2 } Forward } YES. Continue in the same way as when
sending a new text message.
To call a phone number found in a message
When the number is highlighted } YES.
To call the sender of the message
1 When you have read the message } YES.
2 } Call } YES.
To delete a message
When you have read the message } YES } Delete } YES.
Saving incoming messages
Text messages are automatically saved in the phone memory.
When the phone memory is full, they are automatically saved
on the SIM card. When both phone memory and SIM card
memory are full, you must delete messages to be able to
receive new messages. Messages that you have saved on the
SIM card can remain there until you have deleted them.
To save a message on the SIM card
When you have read the message } YES } Save on SIM } YES.
Picture messages
Picture messages can contain text, pictures and sounds. They
are sent via MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) to a mobile
phone or via email. The sender and receiver of a picture message
must have a subscription that supports MMS. Page 36 Thursday, August 11, 2005 10:13 AM