
Redbox User Handbook No 3
Mic & Line Volume Controls
The front panel MIC VOLUME reduces the volume to –80dB. The line input
channel with the LINE VOLUME control fully up, has a gain of +6dB.
Mic/Line Select Switch
To select between microphone or stereo line inputs, use the Mic/Line select switch; stereo
line is in the up position.
Bypass Button
The compressor/limiter section of the product can be switched in and out by using the
BYPASS button.
Applying Compression
Compression is applied by setting a threshold at which the compressor begins to operate,
and a compression ratio to which all audio above the threshold will be compressed. To
enable the compressor, release the unit from bypass mode (ensure the bypass LED is off).
The compression ratio and threshold limits of the compressor/limiter section are fully
adjustable via the COMPRESSION and THRESHOLD linear pots situated on the front panel.
The threshold can be set between -30dBu and +20dBu. When the input signal rises above
the threshold level a soft-knee compression is applied at the selected ratio. The compressor
has an attack time of approximately 20ms and a release time of approx 400ms, and can
operate at ratios of 1:1 (no compression) to ∞:1 (limiting).
The compressor is temperature sensitive and in cold conditions may take a short time for the
threshold levels to settle. In any case you should always allow the unit to fully come to its
normal operating temperature before setting the threshold level.
LED Metering
The metering is carried out after the compressor/limiter section and consists of two rows of
12 round LEDs showing levels between -17dB and +11dB.
The LED meter source can be set to either the output, or a mix of the output and the
monitor input (i.e. the audio present on the headphones). The default setting is a mix of the
output and monitor input. This can be changed by altering the setting of jumpers J1 and J2
inside the unit.
Position A: Meter a mix of output and monitor input.
Position B: Meter output only.
Headphone Outputs
There are two ¼” stereo jack headphone sockets, with a headphone output volume control
which controls the volume for both outputs. Each headphone output is designed to drive
150mW into 32Ω to 600Ω stereo headphones.