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Redbox User Handbook No 3
control to take transmission back from it. Think of it as a studio which has no Oer and
Accept controls of its own, but which can still be put to and from transmission by the other
The sustain studio is Studio 3 by default and this cannot be changed. Once the sustain
function is activated, the transmission path switches instantly to Studio 3 and is
automatically oered back to all studios. To enter SUSTAIN mode, press the OFFER button to
enter oer mode then hold the ACCEPT button for three seconds. DELAY and DUMP modes
are inactive in SUSTAIN.
The SUSTAIN mode has two phases:
In this phase, studio 3 is transmitting and the oer is made to all studios. The oer button
ashes in all studios to let the controllers know that the sustain mode is active. To retrieve
the control, a studio must press the ashing OFFER button. SUSTAIN mode then enters
In this phase, a studio is ready to take control. The OFFER button is constantly lit in the
studio that triggered this phase and the ACCEPT will ash in both the arming studio and
Studio 3. In the other studios, all the buttons will be inactive and the LEDS will all be o.
The arming studio can now accept the transmission path by pressing the ACCEPT button.
If the arming studio wants to return the unit to SUSTAIN ACTIVE phase, the OFFER button
should be pressed.
These functions are used to control a profanity delay. To use these functions route the
transmission to the delay unit control input and setup the delay unit accordingly. The
output is then taken from the delay unit. The unit has both a normally closed and normally
open relay trigger. When the DELAY or DUMP button is pressed, a half second pulse triggers
the specic relay which will either connect to, or break, the connection with a Common
signal (supplied from the delay unit).
In the multiple unit cases there is an EMERGENCY mode. This mode is activated with
the SLAVE units to alert the user that communication with the MASTER has broken down.
In this mode, all LEDS associated with the unit will start ashing (except the POWER LED).
While the unit is in this mode it will not respond to any commands. Once the unit
re-establishes a connection with the MASTER, the unit will return to the position it was in
prior to the disconnection, if the MASTER is unchanged, or it will update if the MASTER has
changed. As an extra safety feature, if the STUDIO EXPANSION SLAVE loses communication
while studio 4 or 5 is transmitting, the MASTER will lock all ability to change transmission
studio until contact is re-established. If the MASTER loses power or all communication
paths, all SLAVES will display emergency mode. In addition if any SLAVE loses power it will
automatically reboot into the correct state.