Installation Guide

Mouli Engineering © 2016 SolarPod
Grid Tied; ; 612-424-5176; Manual version 24.0
U.S. Patent No. 8,716,889 Page 5 of 8
Run #6 ground wire through each inverter and frame (lug nuts provided) and use a ground rod
appropriately distanced from the original. Ensure the ground wires are well connected in each of the
Multiple SolarPod
Grid Tied wiring: Four SolarPod
Grid Tied can be wired in series to one
dedicated 20A two pole circuit breaker. Each SolarPod
Grid Tied comes with male receptacle on one
end and an end terminator on the other end. Only a female receptacle can be placed instead of the end
terminator. Please see below diagram to understand the serial male/female receptacle connections.
Connector receptacles (male and female) may not be needed if they are placed adjacent to each other.
The Line
diagram to the
left is when the
utility requires a
meter installed
to obtain net
meter benefit.