Installation Guide

To connect to the monitoring platform:
1. Designate a single inverter as the connection point between the RS485 bus and the
monitoring platform. This inverter will serve as the master inverter.
To configure the RS485 bus:
All inverters are configured by default as slaves. To configure the master:
1. Verify the ON/OFF/P switch is OFF.
2. Verify that AC is on.
3. Use SetApp to access the Commissioning menu screen as described in
on page 53.
From the Commissioning menu tap Communication. The Communication screen is
Select the following to configure the connection:
Server è LAN
RS485-1 è Protocol è SolarEdge Master
RS485-1 è Slave Detect
The system starts automatic detection of the slave inverters connected to the master
inverter. The inverter should report the correct number of slaves. If it does not, verify
the connections and terminations.
6. To check the slave IDs and last communication time, select RS485-1 è Slave List.
7. Verify the connection of the master to the monitoring platform, as described in the
next section.
76 Creating an RS485 Bus Connection