Owner's manual

At any time, the computation parameters can be changed and the Recompute button can be used to
update the results.
The Do Graph Autoscale button allows adjusting the Y and X scales for the new data of the global
historic graph.
The next table explains the computation parameters:
Computation parameters
The time step of the global level historic can be adjusted between
50ms and 60000ms.
The dB/Lin. parameter allows choosing the amplitude scale
format. The choices are dB, dB(A), Lin. rms, Lin. peak or Lin. rms2.
The Integration parameter allows application of simple or double
integration in the frequency domain for an acceleration
measurement. For the simple integration option, the power
spectrum is divided by jω. For the double integration option, the
spectrum is divided by ω2.
This is the time window used for the power spectrum