
Subject to change
About our other products
hen the SMC standard product range is not
covering the customer needs, customer specic
products can be developed. In this chapter we
have collected some of these products that are often
developed into series. As in the rest of the product over-
view, this is only a small selection of SMC’s customer
specic products.
There is also a large part of our standard products in
versions tailored for specic industries – for example:
Cleanroom products
We can supply several different categories depending
on the desired purity. The purest version has a special
grease and a vacuum port to suck out any particles.
Silicone-free products
When spray painting, especially in the automotive in-
dustry, silicone can degrade the nal result.
Copper-free products
Copper-free products is a requirement, for example in
high vacuum chambers and environments where optical
lenses are used.
Other market standards
NPT threads are mainly used in North America. Most of
our products are available with NPT thread as an option,
and our tubings and ttings are also available for inch
sizes. Due to our worldwide presence we have products
for all markets available.
EX environments
Where there is a risk of sparks and static discharge to
ignite a potentially explosive environment (dusty envi-
ronments, environments with a solvent in gaseous form,
mines, etc.), there are demands on the EX-rated prod-
ucts. We have a large number of products available in
different EX-classications.
Antistatic products
When handling electronic components and other static-
sensitive products, we often recommend to use tubing,
ttings, suction cups, etc. in electrically conductive
material to prevent static build-up and avoid static dis-
charges. We also have the IZ* ionizer series, that can
create a protective environment, or remove unwanted
static discharges.
Hydraulics products
In our range there are also products for low and high
pressure hydraulics.
Industrial lters
We have a large assortment of lters, both for gases and
liquids, including maintenance-free back-ow lters and
lter blow valves.