
Subject to changes
Electro-pneumatic control (4 days)
This course examines the principles that occur in
electro-pneumatic control systems and provides a good
base for your work when you are in daily contact with
those systems. You will learn to draw combined electri-
cal- and pneumatic circuit diagrams and connect them
accordingly. By using motion diagrams and formulas,
you will be able to translate requested motions into
transparent working control diagrams. During the train-
ing, you will deal with valves, cylinders, relays, sensors
and programmable controller functions.
Troubleshooting automated
pneumatic equipment (2 days)
Failures in an automated process will cost time and
money. If technicians are able to locate, identify and x
these failures fast, the downtime cost will reduce and
the efciency of production will increase. The training
“Troubleshooting automated pneumatic equipment”,
teaches technicians troubleshooting a system that fully
meets the current state of automated industry technol-
ogy. The system consists of six individual production
cells that are linked in a PROFIBUS network. All the
technologies used on this system along with the training
method allow the user to develop professional trouble-
shooting skills required today.
Energy Saving
in pneumatic systems (1 day)
SMC has many years of experience in the area of Energy
Saving in pneumatic systems. In this training, SMC will
go through the entire system from the compressor to the
pneumatic actuators and spot the critical applications.
The trainee will learn to look with an ”energy-efcient
eye” into his pneumatic installation. There are various
measures available to reduce air consumption without
making machine performance concessions. After this
training the trainee will have acquired the knowledge to
design a machine and/or installation in the most energy
efcient way. In addition, the adjustment and system
improvement of existing machines will be handled. The
trainee will receive several software tools that help
energy-efcient design in his own workplace.
Pneumatic and electric
positioning (1 day)
Positioning is a very common when a product is moved
by an actuator and often unnecessary seen as a com-
plex function. Both pneumatic and electric actuators
can be used for this function, depending on the load
and requested accuracy. The training “Pneumatic and
electric positioning” handles various options and dis-
cusses the advantage and disadvantage of positioning
with both movement control systems.
Vacuum (1 day)
Vacuum is often used for handling products. The train-
ing “Vacuum” will go in depth on the use of low vacuum
(20–90%) for picking and moving products using suc-
tion cups. Improving knowledge of vacuum enables the
trainee to make the right choices in his in-house vacuum
applications. The training has a proportion of theoretical
content, but vacuum is a practical profession and that’s
where this training is mainly focused on.