User's Manual

2. Remove barrel
3. Using a 3/16” Allen Wrench, unscrew and remove the Bolt guide ( end cap)
4. Take the bolt guide and insert it tapered end first into the front of the marker, centering the
tapered nose of the bolt guide on the center spindle of the bolt. Gently push the bolt guide into
the body until the bolt and bolt sleeve appear at the rear of the body. Set aside bolt guide and
gently pull the bolt and bolt sleeve from the Shocker.
5. Remove bolt from bolt sleeve by pulling the bolt from the front of the bolt sleeve. Set aside both
6. Using the handle end of a wooden kitchen spoon or a piece of 3/8” dowel rod, remove the fire
chamber. Insert the dowel rod from the front of the marker, angling it slightly towards the wall of
the marker body so that it rests on the visible rear section of the fire chamber. Push gently, but
firmly on fire chamber until it emerges from the rear of the body. Set aside dowel rod or spoon
and pull fire chamber out. Set aside.
This covers basic repair and maintenance disassembly. The following steps include finishing
disassembly for a full takedown of the Shocker, including solenoid maintenance.
7. Remove the wiring harness by getting as close to the lower (grip frame) circuit board as possible
and gently removing the wiring harness plug in a careful side to side motion until the harness
plug comes free. DO NOT remove the wires from the wiring harness plug.
8. Using the 1/8” Allen wrench, unscrew and remove the two grip frame screws. CAREFULLY
separate the grip frame from the body, paying careful attention to the wiring harness attached to
the circuit board at the midway point of the grip frame. Pull wiring through grip frame gently and
set aside grip frame assembly.
9. For solenoid disassembly, first unscrew the two cap screws holding the circuit board to the sole-
noid with a 5/64” Allen wrench. Then, using the small precision Phillips head screwdriver,
remove the two long solenoid body screws (the end opposite the two cap screws that were just
removed) and slowly pull the solenoid apart and away from the body. The silver spool end of the
solenoid should be all that remains attached to the body.
10. To remove the spool section, use the 1/8” socket and carefully loosen and remove the brass sole-
noid mount screws. Then use the precision Phillips screwdriver to remove the black end cap and
spring. Use needle nose pliers to pull the spool from the spool housing. Clean and inspect the
spool for debris or damage. Grease spool moderately with Shocker grease only, the reinstall by
placing flat end in first, with the pointed end facing outward towards the cap and spring. Place
spring, small end first, over the small point at the end of the spool. Reinstall cap with line side
of cap facing the body of the Shocker. Not facing the line towards the body of the Shocker will
cause the solenoid to leak. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN SCREWS. Inspect center pilot section of the
solenoid for debris and to be certain that the white manual override button is still in place. If the
override button is missing, immediately call Smart Parts or your local pro shop for a replacement.
Then inspect the plunger and plunger spring at the far end for dirt and debris.
This completes the disassembly process. The following steps detail the cleaning, lubricating,
and reassembly of the Shocker.
11. Replace spool section of the solenoid back on the Shocker body with the black cap facing the
front of the Shocker. Install solenoid mount screw and tighten down until firm. DO NOT OVER-
12. Insert the solenoid plunger back into the coil, spring side last so that the end with the black cen-
ter faces out. Place pilot so that the manual override button (black center) side is facing the
plunger/coil section and the other (white center) side will be facing the spool section The manu-
al override button should face the circuit board.