
4 Operation
SMA Solar Technology AG
User ManualSBxx-US-1XP-40-BA-en-1326
The product must be commissioned.
The product must be integrated into the local network. Tip: There are various methods of
integrating the product into the local network with the aid of the installation assistant.
An end device (e.g. computer, tablet PC or smartphone) must be available.
The end device must be in the same local network as the product.
The respective latest version of one of the following web browsers must be installed: Chrome,
Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari.
The SMA Grid Guard code of the Installer must be available for the changing of grid-relevant
settings after completion of the first ten feed-in hours or installation assistant (see "Application
for SMAGridGuard Code" at
Importing and exporting files with end devices having an iOS operating
system is not possible.
For technical reasons, importing and exporting files (e.g. importing an inverter configuration,
saving the current inverter configuration or exporting events and parameters) is not possible
with mobile end devices having an iOS operating system.
Use an end device that does not have an iOS operating system for importing and
exporting files.
1. Enter the IP address of the inverter in the address bar of the web browser.
Web browser signals a security vulnerability
After the IP address has been confirmed by pressing the enter key, a message might
appear indicating that the connection to the user interface of the inverter is not secure.
SMA Solar Technology AG guarantees that calling up the user interface is secure.
Continue loading the user interface.
The login page of the user interface opens.
4.3 Logging In and Out of the User Interface
After a connection to the user interface of the inverter has been established, the login page opens.
Log onto the user interface as described below.
Usage of cookies
For the correct display of the user interface, cookies are required. The cookies are used for
convenience only. By using this user interface you agree to the placement of cookies.
Log in as Installer or User for the First Time
1. In the drop-down list Language, select the desired language.
2. In the User group drop-down list, select the entry Installer or User.
3. In the New password field, enter a new password for the selected user group.