MorningStar Integration Guide

SimpliPhi Power, Inc. | 3100 Camino Del Sol | Oxnard, CA 93030, USA | (805) 640-6700 | |
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1.0 Introduction
This Integration Guide is intended to supplement the PHI Battery and Morningstar Installation Manuals. It
covers the recommended set up and configuration of Morningstar Charge Controller equipment for optimizing
performance with SimpliPhi PHI Batteries. More information on SimpliPhi products can be found on our
SimpliPhi Power offers solutions for a range of Morningstar products covering 24V to 48V PHI battery
applications, which are too numerous to be covered here. If the Morningstar product you are looking for is not
covered in this Integration Guide, the parameters listed here should be used as a general guide. The specific
Morningstar products covered in this guide include, but are not limited to:
Morningstar charge controllers
o Morningstar TriStar MPPT 600V
o Morningstar TriStar MPPT
o Morningstar ProStar MPPT
o Morningstar SunSaver MPPT
Morningstar inverter
o SureSine-300 model SI-300-115V
2.0 Charge Controller Settings
Based on tests and evaluations of the PHI 3.8 kWh battery with Morningstar’s equipment, the following
parameters (refer to table below) have been established. More information on Morningstar series charge
controller products can be found on their website:
Note: The PHI batteries must be programmed to the custom settings listed in Section 4.0 below. The following
is a list of MorningStar products that can be programmed to custom settings using their included Setup Wizard.
Programming is done using Morningstar’s MSView Software.
Morningstar charge controllers
o TriStar MPPT 600V
o TriStar MPPT (150V)
o TriStar (PWM)
o ProStar MPPT
o ProStar (PWM)
o SunSaver MPPT
o SunSaver Duo
Refer to MorningStar’s Custom Settings Info Page
for up-to-date information regarding MorningStar
products that can be programmed to custom settings.
2.1 MSView Software
MS View must be downloaded via the internet to a PC computer. The link to download MSView is available
An informational video regarding custom settings programming using MSView Setup Wizard is available on
How-To Videos web page and here: