User's Manual

© TMC Radio 2008 page 70 TNM-M-E-0022 Issue 1
Fast Frequency Shift Keying. This is a signalling system for the transfer of digital
information. It works by using one of two audio tones to represent transmit data..
A group of units formed such that only a shortened form of dialling (2 or 3 digits) is
required between them. These groups are normally assigned contiguous ident's.
Programmable Logic Array.
Field Personality Programmer.
Hash (#) digits
These digits are used for two purposes:
For Selcall identities (encode and decode) - known as User Id digits. These digits are
replaced by the user id entered at switch on (if enabled)
Use in DTMF dialled strings - their use is network dependent to access special services.
Name given to a sequence of tones which is used in sequential tone signalling. See Valid
Selcall Digits.
Idle State
The state of the radio when it is not in a call.
A state of a channel such that it is unavailable to the user through normal methods of
channel selection. Therefore inaccessible channels will not appear on the channel menu.
Link Establishment
A delay incorporated into the start of every selective call or DTMF transmission
which allows for the finite delay of the radio equipment in responding to any radio signal.
This includes both the commencement time of the originating transmitter and the
response time of the receiver.
A state of a channel whereby it is not possible to change channels using the normal
up/down keys on the channel menu until the OK key is pressed. See Auto Channel
Selection Lock.
Null Id
A Selcall identity that is not defined and whose tones' field is displayed as a blank.
A state where transmit and receive are allowed. The channel is no longer open when
reset. Contrast with Closed.
Normally an Open channel would not have Selcall Mute and PTT Inhibit would be
Private Automatic Branch Exchange.
An optional password system available on the radio. This feature is only available if the
radio has a display and a keypad. To make available: go to Hardware Components,
Terminal Settings and set Product Type to one which has a display and a keypad.
Phased Locked Loop.
Private Mobile Radio (not normally trunked).
Priority Channel
A channel in a search group that is scanned between every other channel.
Peak System Deviation.
Public Switched Telephone Network.
Press To Talk. This is the term given to the operator’s key normally used to commence
transmitting a message.
PTT Inhibit
A state whereby transmission using the PTT is not allowed. Also know as Tx Lockout.
Pulse Width Modulation.