User Manual

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Chapter 5. Obexsender
scandir /tmp/obex
Specify full pathname(s) of file(s) to be sent, possibly at given time. If there are no files
specified, ObexSender does not do inquiry. The files specified are sent in listed order.
Syntax: file <filename> [timestamp]
Example for sending tp1.gif first, then tp2.gif:
file /usr/local/obexsender/tp1.gif
file /usr/local/obexsender/tp2.gif
Timestamp can be specified as Weekday (Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun), Starthour-
Endhour or WeekdayStarthour-Endhour:
Example for sending image.jpg on Fridays, image2.jpg every day between 8am and 2pm
and image3 only on Tuesdays between 8am and 2pm:
file /usr/local/obexsender/image1.jpg Fri
file /usr/local/obexsender/image2.jpg 8-14
file /usr/local/obexsender/image2.jpg Tue8-14
This feature allows you to request specific content from ObexSender. Basic operation is that
you send a file with needed information to Access Server and you will receive a correspond-
ing file in return.
The keyword specified is matched for "<content of file from user> + <bd-ad-dr-es-ss>".
Keyword is extended regular expression (regex) and case-non-sensitive.
Syntax: reply <keyword> <filename>
Example for replying with pic.gif if a GIF image is sent to Access Server (in fact this
matches for the string "GIF" found in the image headers; you could use "VCF" for vCards,
"JFIF" for JPEG images and so on):
reply GIF /usr/local/obexsender/pic.gif
Example for replying only to a certain device (its Bluetooth address is already known),
ignoring file content (pic.gif is sent back after device sends anything to Access Server):
reply 00:07:80:80:00:bf /usr/local/obexsender/pic.gif
This setting applies if you’re using REPLY-feature of ObexSender and you send a file to Ac-
cess Server to receive specific content. Now, if the file you sent doesn’t match to ObexSender
configuration, the file will be deleted if this settings is set to "Yes". Otherwise the file is
saved. Matching files are always deleted. Disable this if you have some other program do-
ing ObjP/FTP. By default, this is enabled.
Syntax: delnomatch Yes|No
Example of disabling the functionality:
delnomatch No