User Manual

Carbon Monoxide (CO) is an insidious poison. Carbon monoxide bonds
to the hemoglobin in the blood and reduces the amount of oxygen
being circulated in the body. It is a cumulative poison. Even low levels
of CO have been shown to cause brain and other vital organ damage in
unborn infants with no effect on the mother.
The following symptoms are related to CARBON MONOXIDE POISON-
ING and should be discussed with ALL members of the household:
Mild exposure:
Medium exposure:
Extreme exposure:
Many causes of reported CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING indicate
that while victims are aware that they are not well, they become so
disoriented that they are unable to save themselves by either exiting the
building or calling for assistance.
Also young children and pets may be the rst to be affected. You should
take extra precautions to protect high risk persons from CO exposure
because they may experience ill effects from CO at levels that would not
ordinarily affect a heathy adult.
Slight-Headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (often
described as “ u-like symptoms).
Severe throbbing headache, drowsiness, confusion,
fast heart rate.
Unconsciousness, convulsions, cardio-respiratory
failure, death.