User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Raven and PinPoint GPRS User Guide Version 1.21
Command Description
FM=n [?] Friends Mode – Only allow specified IPs to access the modem
n = 0: Disable Friends mode
n = 1: Enable Friends mode – Only packets from friends will be
accepted (see below); packets from other IP addresses are ignored.
Fn=d.d.d.d [?] Friends mode IP address
n = Friends list index [1 – 10]
d.d.d.d = IP address to be allowed to access the modem
255 = allow any number 0-255
Example: allows access by all IPs in the range—
x3310, x3311
Send NMEA GPS strings out serial link.
ATGPS will cause the NMEA GGA, RMC, and VTG GPS strings to
output to the serial port one time.
ATGPS1 will cause these strings to be sent out the serial link once
per second continuously until ATGPS or until reset
H This command does nothing but does not cause an error either.
HOR=n [?] Half-Open Response – In UDP auto answer (half-open) mode:
n = 0: No response codes when UDP session is initiated
n = 1: RING CONNECT response codes sent out serial link before
the data from the first UDP packet.
Note: Quiet Mode must be Off.
I[0] Returns the product name.
I1 Returns AirLink modem’s firmware version, hardware ID, and
I2 Returns the OEM Modem’s firmware version and relevant
hardware ID
I3 Returns the OEM Modem’s unique ID
IPL=n [?]
x3210, x3211
IP List Dial
This allows access the Modbus IP list using the first two digits of
the dial string. Example: ATDT1234567 would go to ID “12” on the
Modbus list and used the associated IP as the destination.
n = 0: Disabled
n = 1: Enabled
M This command does nothing but does not cause an error either.
AirLink Communications, Inc. Page 47 September 14, 2004