AirPrime HL76xx AT Commands Interface Guide Rev6 2

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4118395 Rev 6.2 June 26, 2017 49
AT Commands Interface Guide
General AT Commands
HL7618, HL7618RD, HL7648, HL7650, HL7688, HL7690 and HL7692
<subset> 0 UIH frames used only
1 UI frames used only (not supported)
2 I frames used only (not supported)
<port_speed> Transmission rate
1 9 600 bit/s
2 19 200 bit/s
3 38 400 bit/s
4 57 600 bit/s
5 115 200 bit/s
6 230 400 bit/s
7 1 Mbit/s
<N1> 1 – 1509 Maximum frame size. Default value = 31 (64 if Advanced option is
<T1> 1 – 255 Acknowledgement time in units of ten milliseconds. Default value = 10
(100 ms)
<N2> 0 – 5 Maximum number of re-transmissions. Default value = 3
<T2> 2 – 255 Response time for the multiplexer control channel in units of ten
milliseconds. Default value = 30 (300 ms). Note that <T2> must be
longer than <T1>.
<T3> 1 – 255 Wake up response timer in seconds. Currently not supported; in case
of read command, 0 is returned.
<k> 1 – 7 Window size for advanced operation with error recovery options.
Currently not supported; in case of read command, 0 is returned.
This command enables the multiplexing protocol control channel as defined in
The AT command sets parameters for the Control Channel. If parameters are left
out the default values are used. If no autobauding is supported, a customer related
interface speed is pre selected. The final response code OK or CME ERROR:
<err> is returned using the old interface speed; the parameters become active only
after sending OK.
The "+++" escape sequence is not supported in the DLC port in CMUX mode.
Alternatively, DTR can be used to switch from data mode to command mode, or
use another DLC port to send AT commands.
The module handles the frame data step by step in CMUX mode. If there are any
wrong data in the frame, e.g. wrong CRC, nothing will be returned to the terminal,
and the module will wait for a valid frame data.
If the AT+CFUN command is entered with <rst>=1, all open CMUX channels will
be closed and the module will reset.
There is no activity timeout to return to AT mode after entering MUX mode.
MUX DLC ports are not persistent over power cycles. After a power cycle, DLC
ports need to be re-established.
When an established MT call is hanged up from the caller side, NO CARRIER will
only be sent to the port on which the call was established (i.e. the port on which
ATD/ATA was sent).