AirPrime HL76xx AT Commands Interface Guide Rev6 2

Table Of Contents
4118395 Rev 6.2 June 26, 2017 309
AT Commands Interface Guide
AVMS Commands
13.6. +WDSI Command: Device Services Indication
HL7618, HL7618RD, HL7648, HL7650, HL7688, HL7690 and HL7692
Test command
+WDSI: (list of supported <Level>s)
Read command
[+WDSI: <Level>]
Write command
+CME ERROR <err>
<Level> Indication level, bit field (default value = 0)
Bit set to 0 Indication deactivated
Bit set to 1 Indication activated
0 No indication
1 Activate the initialization end indication (<Event> = 0)
2 Activate the server request for a user agreement indication (<Event> = 1, 2 and 3)
4 Activate the authentication indications (<Event> = 4 and 5)
8 Activate the session start indication (<Event> = 6, 7 and 8)
16 Activate the package download indications (<Event> = 9,10 and 11)
32 Activate the certified downloaded package indication (<Event> = 12 and13)
64 Activate the update indications (<Event> = 14,15 and 16)
128 Activate the fallback indication (<Event> = 17)
256 Activate download progress indication (<Event> = 18)
512 Reserved
1024 Reserved
2048 Activate provisioning indication (<Event> = 21)
4096 Reserved
<Event> 0 Device services are initialized and can be used. Devices services are
initialized when the SIM PIN code is entered and a dedicated NAP is
configured (see +WDSS command)
1 The Device Services server requests the device to make a
connection. The device requests a user agreement to allow the
embedded module to make the connection. The response can be sent
using +WDSR command and this indication can be returned by the
device if the user has activated the user agreement for connection
(see +WDSC command for more information)
2 The Device Services server requests the device to make a package
download. The device requests a user agreement to allow the
embedded module to make the download. The response can be sent
using +WDSR command and this indication can be returned by the
device if the user has activated the user agreement for download (see
+WDSC command for more information).