AirPrime HL7518 and AT Commands Interface Guide Rev10 0

Table Of Contents
4116303 Rev 10.0 August 10, 2017 96
AT Commands Interface Guide
Mobile Equipment Control and Status
HL7518 and HL7548
Write command
<ppp_dun_mode> PPP dial-up networking behavior
0 PDP context is brought up after LCP negotiation
1 PDP context is brought up before LCP negotiation
<omadm_reg_mode> OMADM client boostrapping behavior
0 Disables boostrapping initiated by the client
1 Enables boostrappining initiated by the client on the next successful registration if the
module’s IMEI is used for the first time and no server initatiated session has
happened before
2 Enables boostrapping initiates by the client on the next successful registration
regardless of the above-mentioned criteria.
<omadm_reg_state> Boostrap registration state
0 The client hasn’t been boostrapped yet (no server initiated session has happened
1 The client has been boostrapped before with a successful server initiated session
<pdp_unlock_mode> PDP unlock mode
0 Protects the reserved PDP contexts (1, 2, 11-20) from being modified accidentally
1 Unlocks the protection on the reserved PDP contexts
Default value = 0 for the HL7548; default value = 1 for the HL7518
<show_orig_apn> Enables showing the original APN saved in flash (updated by
AT+CGDCONT=…). This is effective for PDP context 1 (LTE default bearer) with PDP
context reading (AT+CGDCONT?).
0 Disabled, shows APN that is given by network
(e.g. "ltemobile.apn.mnc720.mcc302.gprs", "vzwims.mnc480.mcc311.gprs")
1 Enabled, shows the original APN saved in flash
<omadm_reg_mode> will automatically be changed from “2” to “1” after the server
initialized session was successfully processed.
The HL7518 and HL7548’s OMADM client uses customized bootstrapping defined
in the OMADM specification, i.e. with Verizon OMADM server connection
configurations preloaded. However, the module still needs to be bootstrapped
before the OMADM client can work with the Verizon OMADM server. There are two
mechanisms to complete this bootstrapping:
1. Boostrapping initiated by the server – the IMEI/IMSI are pre-registered to
Verizon’s OMADM databse and boostrapping is initiated automatically by the
OMADM server through a DM session
2. Boostrapping initiated by the client – the module initiates a DM session to the
Verizon OMADM server that performs the bootstrapping
The default option <omadm_reg_mode>=1 enables the module to perform
boostrapping automatically via mechanism 2.