AirPrime HL7518 and AT Commands Interface Guide Rev10 0

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4116303 Rev 10.0 August 10, 2017 261
AT Commands Interface Guide
AVMS Commands
HL7518 and HL7548
Depending on +WDSM configuration, when no dedicated NAP is defined using
+WDSS command and a session is asked (by AT command or notify by SMS), the
embedded module
will use a NAP defined by +CGDCONT command to activate
the dedicated PDP context. This NAP will be recorded to configure the NAP Device
Services and it will be used to activate the dedicated PDP context for the next
When the PDP context cannot be activated because of bad AirVantage
Management Services NAP configuration, the embedded module
will use a NAP
defined by +CGDCONT command to activate the dedicated PDP context (but the
initial NAP configuration is not erased).
Activation is done if the embedded module is registered on the network. If the
embedded module is not registered when the command is performed, activation
will be done at the next network registration (even if the embedded module resets).
No GPRS connection to the AirVantage Management Services server is possible
when a registration is not completed.
The default value of <Cid> is 5; if reuse of existing activated PDP context is
required for all internet connection, set <Cid> accordingly. For example, in LTE, if
the internet connection uses PDP of cid1, then <Cid> should be set to 1.
AT+WDSS=0 will remove all stored information <Apn>, <User>, <Pwd> and <Cid>.
<Apn> will become unprovisioned, but not an empty string.
12.10. +WDSM Command: Manage Device Services
HL7518 and HL7548
Test command
+WDSM: (list of supported <Mode>s),(list of supported <State>s)
Read command
+WDSM: 0,<State>
+WDSM: 1,<State>
Write command
+CME ERROR <err>
<Mode> APN backup
0 If AVMS APN (filled with +WDSS command) is incorrect, the module will use the
APN defined by +CGDCONT command.
1 If AVMS APN has not been filled with +WDSS command, the module will use the
APN defined by +CGDCONT command. Each APN will be used until successful
session activation. If an AVMS session succeeds, the corresponding APN is copied
in the +WDSS command and remains after the AVMS session ends.