Operation Manual

Gigaset T500 PRO / Gigaset 300 PRO / en / A31008-M2212-R101-3-7619 / user_addOns.fm / 19.03.2012
Version: %@27.05.2010
Automatic updates
The program can search for program updates automatically. You can set the interval in the
default settings in the General section. You can also trigger a manual search for updates
at this point.
If an update is found, it is displayed in a separate window together with the version
information. If you confirm this dialogue, the new version will be downloaded and will
replace the existing program. The first time the new version is started, the user is asked
for an administrator password. This is necessary to update the "Addressbook Plug-in" and
"Fax Printer Driver" components. If this password is rejected, these components may no
longer function correctly!
You can configure the program's behaviour in the general settings:
u Display the start screen (can also be deactivated)
u Automatic start when the user logs on under Mac OS (e.g., after booting the computer)
u Automatic log-off for fast change of user (e.g., if multiple users are sharing a
u Automatic log-on if there is no connection to the Gigaset server (e.g., after the
program start)
u Keyboard shortcut for the "Start new call ..." window
You can also configure whether and how often the program should search for updates on
the Internet. You can also, however, search for updates manually at any time
independently of this.
After installation, the window for configuring the user account opens automatically. In
this window you must enter the following information:
u Username: your Gigaset login ID for the PBX
u Password: the password associated with the login ID
u Server Address: name or IP address of the Gigaset server
The Server Port for XMPP is preconfigured with 5222. Port 5223, which was used
previously to establish a secure connection, is not supported.
The program allows you to freely configure the behaviour of all events. For example, you
can set which events will appear and whether they should close again automatically. You
might, for instance, configure that error messages are closed automatically or outgoing
calls remain permanently visible.
You can manually specify the number of entries loaded from the PBX for call, fax and
voicemail lists. This also applies to the period for which the entries should be held available
locally on the Mac, as well as the interval at which the display is automatically refreshed.
Please note: The more frequently the local datasets are refreshed, the greater the load for
the PBX. Large numbers of accesses caused by short intervals, for example, (including via
the client for iPhone
®) can impair the performance of your Gigaset PBX.