User Manual

Shure Incorporated
Band Frequency Range (MHz)
Power (mW RMS )*
X53 902 to 907.500, 915 to 928 (Brazil) 1 / 10
X54 915 to 928 (Australia) 1 / 10
Z17 1492 to 1525 1 / 10
Z18 1785 to 1805 1 / 10
Z19 1785 to 1800 1 / 10
Z20 1790 to 1805 1 / 10
* Power delivered to the antenna port
Note: Frequency bands might not be available for sale or authorized for use in all countries or regions.
For the band Z17 (1492-1525 MHz), it must be used indoors only.
For the Band Z19 (1785-1800MHz) used in Australia, per Radio Communications Low Interference Potential
Devices Class License 2015; item 30 note C: the system must be operated within the range of 1790-1800MHz when
used outdoors.
Frequencies for European Countries
G51 470-534 MHz
Country Code
Code de Pays
Codice di paese
Código de país
Frequency Range
Gamme de frequences
Gamme di frequenza
Gama de frequencias
A, B, BG, CH, CY, CZ, D, DK, EST, F *
FIN, GB, GR, H, HR, I, IRL, IS, L, LT *
M, N, NL, P, PL, RO, S, SK, SLO, TR *
All other countries *
* This equipment may be capable of operating on some frequencies not authorized in your region. See Licensing