User's Manual

Shure Incorporated
Mode Application Characteristics
Use for speech or vocals
in podcasting or musical
Equalization to emphasize clarity and fullness, and gentle compression to keep
levels consistent. A de-esser reduces sibilance (the harsh sound that occurs
when words with an "S" are spoken).
Best for acoustic instru
ments and live music ap
Transparent compression to smooth out volume spikes and bring quiet pas
sages forward. Equalization emphasizes detail and gives an overall natural
Suited for any application
A completely unprocessed signal (no equalization or compression settings
used). Adds flexibility when processing the audio after recording.
Advanced Mic Settings
After selecting the preset mode, finetune your sound with limiter, compressor, and equalizer settings. These settings are re
tained in the microphone when using other audio and video recording applications.
Toggle the limiter on or off to prevent distortion from volume peaks in your recording.
Choose no compression, or select light or heavy compression to control volume when your sound source is dynamic. Quiet
signals are boosted and loud signals are lowered.
Change the preset modes to hear the DSP changes, and use the equalizer to boost or cut bands of frequencies to improve
sound clarity.
Note: Equalization within presets will not be displayed. However, the EQ icon in the advanced settings status bar indicates user-selected equalization.