User's Manual

11N Wireless Broadband Rout er User Guide
¾ Main fe a t ures:
1. Most ly, your I SP provides a dynam ic I P address
and the DDNS is used t o capt ure t he changeable I P
address and m atch t o the fixed dom ain. Then users
can have access t o t he I nt ernet t o com m unicat e
with ot hers outside t he net work.
2. DDNS can help you t o est ablish a vir t ual host in
your hom e or com pany.
¾ DDN S: Click the radio butt on to enable or disable
the DDNS service.
¾ Se r vice pr ovide r : Select one from t he drop- down
list and click Sign up for regist ration.
¾ Use r n a m e: Ent er the usernam e t hat you use t o
regist er from t he DDNS provider
¾ Passw ord: Enter the password that you use t o
regist er from t he DDNS provider
¾ Dom a in na m e: Enter the effective regist ered
dom ain nam e
For ex a m ple :
Est ablish a Web server in the local host
and regist er in as follows:
Usernam e Tenda
Password 123456
Dom ain Nam e
Aft er m apping the port in t he virt ual server, and set t ing