User's Manual

11N Wireless Broadband Rout er User Guide
- Connect t he equipm ent into an out let on a circuit
different from t hat t o which the receiver is connect ed.
- Consult t he dealer or an experienced radio/ TV
technician for help.
To assure continued com pliance, any changes or
m odifications not expressly approved by the part y
responsible for com pliance could void the user’s
aut hority t o operat e t his equipm ent. ( Exam ple- use only
shielded interface cables when connect ing to com put er
or peripheral devices) .
The ant enna(s) used for this t ransm itt er m ust not be
co-locat ed or operating in conjunct ion with any other
ant enna or transm itt er.
FCC Radia t ion Exposu r e St a tem ent
This device com plies with Part 15 of t he FCC Rules.
Operat ion is subj ect t o the following two condit ions: (1)
this device may not cause har m ful int erference, and ( 2)
this device m ust accept any interference received,
including interference t hat m ay cause undesired
Caut ion!
The m anufact urer is not responsible for any radio or TV
interference caused by unauthorized m odificat ions t o
this equipm ent. Such m odificat ions could void the user
aut hority t o operat e t he equipm ent .