User's Instructions

Message Notification
: In phone settings, grant message notification permissions
for apps such as QQ, Wechat, WhatsApp, email, text messages and other apps with
Music Control
: This feature can be enabled or disabled in the APP. Music control
works with the phone default system music player to playback and control music.
Camera control
: Grant camera app notification access in the phone to be later
synchronized with bracelet. The phone camera then can be remotely controlled to take
photos by tapping on bracelet.
: To restore factory settings, long press 3 seconds on the “Reset”menu to restart the
: Support charging from 5V USB port. Recommended to charge when battery level
is low, normal charging time is 2 hours.
APP to install and use
Scan the following QR code, select the APP, download directly from Google Play or
App Store, and install.
Device Requirements: IOS8.0 above, Android 4.4 or higher, Bluetooth 4.0 supported.
Bluetooth connection: After successful pairing, APP automatically saves
Android APP
Google Play App