Quick Guide

Setting the Projector Using RS-232C or Telnet
When Connecting Using
1 Launch general purpose terminal
2 Input settings for the RS-232C port
of the terminal emulator as follows.
Baud Rate : 9600 bps*
Data Length : 8 bit
Parity Bit : None
Stop Bit : 1 bit
Flow Control : None
This is the factory default setting. If the value
of Baud Rate for the projector has been
changed, set Baud Rate here according to
the changed value on the projector.
3 Input “PJS11234” and press the
“Enter” key.
4 “OK” is displayed. Input “PJS25678”
and press the “Enter” key within 10
5 “User Name:” is displayed. Input the
user name and press the “Enter”
If a user name has not yet been set, just
press the “Enter” key.
6 “Password:” is displayed. Input the
password and press the “Enter” key.
If a password has not yet been set, just press
the “Enter” key.
Connect the projector to a computer using RS-232C or Telnet, and open the SETUP MENU on
the computer to carry out various settings for the projector.
7 Input “setup” and press the “Enter”
SETUP MENU will be displayed.
User name and password are not set in the fac-
tory default settings.
If the user name or password is entered incor-
rectly three times, SETUP MENU will be quit.
---------------------------------SETUP MENU--------------------------------
[1]IP Address [2]Subnet Mask [3]Default Gateway
[4]User Name [5]Password
[6]RS-232C Baud Rate [7]Projector Name
[A]Advanced Setup [D]Disconnect All
[V]View All Setting [S]Save & Quit [Q]Quit Unchanged
XG-MB70X_E_P02_19.p65 04.8.6, 2:24 PM17