Instruction manual

Merchandise can be classified into a maximum of 99 departments. Items sold using the department keys can
later be printed on a report shown as the quantities sold and sales amounts classified by department. The data
is useful for making purchasing decisions and other store operations. Departments can be assigned to articles
whose prices were set using PLU/subdepartment function.
When using a department key, you must set the parameters to specify the department status, such as positive
or negative department. Prices can be assigned directly to departments for frequently purchased items, which
enables you to enter the prices by simply pressing the department keys or dept. code entries.
Department status
To program another department, start from the beginning without pressing the
*: Item: Selection: Entry:
A Type Bottle return 1
Normal* 0
B Group number 0-9 (0:Non group) (default: 0)
C Commission group number 0-2 (0:Non commission) (default: 0)
D Tax 4 status Taxable 1
Non-taxable* 0
E Tax 3 status Taxable 1
Non-taxable* 0
F Tax 2 status Taxable 1
Non-taxable* 0
G Tax 1 status Taxable (*for dept. 1 thru 6) 1
Non-taxable (*for dept. 7 and above) 0
H SICS / Normal SICS 1
Normal* 0
I Sign Negative department 1
Positive department* 0
J Entry digit limit 0-7 (default: 7)
K Type of unit price entry Open and preset 3
Preset only 2
Open only* 1
Inhibit department key 0
• Select the department as normal or for bottle return.
Group number
• If group setting (0 to 9, 0: non group) is done, items sold using the department keys and the associated PLUs
and subdepartments can be classified into groups for reporting the sales.
For department 7-99:
Dept. code
To set all zeros
To set all zeros
Department Programming