User Manual

Operation References
Quick Reference List
Below are some examples of camcorder’s features.
To record the subject with higher-quality audio.
See page 27 (Selecting the 16-bit Audio Recording Mode)
To record powerful close-up images.
See page 28 (Setting the Digital Zoom)
To record a backlit subject.
See page 29 (Gamma Brightness Compensation) or page 45 (Manual
To record subjects in very dim conditions, e.g. a nocturnal animal.
See page 31 (Night Recording)
To record yourself in the scene while monitoring the shot.
See page 37 (Letting the Subject Monitor the Shot)
To quickly return the tape to the end of the last recorded scene after playback.
See page 38 (Quick Return)
To focus on an off-centred subject.
See page 41 (Manual Focus)
To turn off the confirmation sounds which are made when you operate the
See page 48 (Setting the Confirmation Sounds)
To enlarge any part of the picture during playback.
See page 50 (Playback Zoom)
To brighten the dark portion of the playback images without changing the bright
See page 51 (Gamma Playback)