User's Manual

— 213 —
Bill logo
Your POS terminal can print programmed messages for customers on the bill.
Shown below is an example of selecting “1 HEADER”.
When “1 HEADER” is selected:
• HEADER (Use the character entry method)
Header text for the bill (max. 40 characters x 3 lines)
When “2 FOOTER” is selected:
• FOOTER (Use the character entry method)
Footer text for the bill (max. 30 characters x 6 lines)
Header/Footer text for bill printer programming.
Scrolling message for pole display
Your POS terminal can display a scrolling message on the optional pole display.
Program the item as follows:
• SCROLL POLE DISP. (Use the character entry method)
Text for the scrolling message (max. 64 characters)
If ti is assumed that
you have selected “1