Operation Manual, User's Manual

If the line is busy when you send a fax, transmission will be attempted again automatically after a preset interval. This
function only operates in memory transmission mode. In direct transmission mode or manual transmission mode, the
transmission will be cancelled. Wait for a brief period and then try sending the fax again.
If a communication error occurs or the other fax machine does not answer the call within a preset period of time,
transmission will automatically be attempted again after a preset interval. This function only operates in memory
transmission mode.
To cancel transmission:
Do so from the job status screen.
User's Manual (Touch Panel Operation)
o set the number of recall attempts and the interval between attempts when the connection cannot be established
because the line is busy, or for other reasons:
In "Settings (administrator)", select [System Settings] [Image Send Settings] [Fax Settings] [Send Settings]
[Recall in Case of Line Busy].
When this setting is enabled, note that the machine will not attempt the call again when manual transmission or direct
transmission is used.
Number of Times to Recall When Line is Busy
Specify how many times the machine will re-attempt the call when a communication is busy.
Interval to Wait Between Recall Attempts (min.) When Line is Busy
The interval between recall attempts can be set.
Faxes sent by direct transmission or manual transmission are not automatically resent.
To cancel transmission:
Do so from the job status screen.
User's Manual (Touch Panel Operation)
o set the number of recall attempts and the interval between attempts when a transmission fails due to an error:
In "Settings (administrator)", select [System Settings] [Image Send Settings] [Fax Settings] [Send Settings]
[Recall in Case of Communication Error].
Number of Times to Recall in Case of Error
Specify how many times the machine will re-attempt the call when a communication error occurs.
Interval to Wait Between Recall Attempts (min.) in Case of Error
The interval between recall attempts can be set.