
Key operator programs
Program Page
Code No. Program Name Function No.
P31 Preheat Mode Sets the time that elapses before the copier enters 91
Setting the preheat mode after copying is completed.
P42 Right/Left Shift Determines whether shift direction change is to be 91
Direction Selection allowed.
P43 Erase Mode Selects the erase mode’s initial setting. 91
Initial Setting
P45 Message Time Sets the length of time that messages are displayed. 92
P46 Require Key Prevents the copier from being started by people 92
Operator Code other than key operator.
P47 Stream Feeding Enables the stream feeding mode for copying 92
Mode from the optional document feeder.
P52 Override Sorter Bin Cancel limit control of operation in case of bin 93
Capacity Limit capacity overflow
P70 Disabling of Auto Prevents automatic paper selection. 93
Paper Selection
P71 Disabling of Auto Prevents automatic switching between the paper 93
Tray Switching trays.
P72 Prohibiting of Prohibits the use of the manual feed tray during 94
Manual Feed Tray duplex copying. (Duplex copying can be performed
in Duplex Copy when an optional duplex module is installed.)
P73 Disabling Prevents stored programs from being replaced or 94
Deletion of Job deleted.
P74 Disabling of Prevents the use of the optional document feeder 94
Document Feeder when it malfunctions.
P75 Disabling of Duplex Temporarily prevents the optional duplex system from 95
Copying operating when it malfunctions. Allows the use of the
copier but not the duplex system.
P76 Disabling of Prevents damage to the stapler while awaiting 95
Stapler repair service. (The staple sorter is optional.)
P77 Disabling of Covers Prevents the selection of COVERS mode. 95
(The COVERS mode can be used when an optional
document feeder is installed.)
P83 Enabling of Provides or prevents access to key operator programs 96
PC/Modem Access through a PC/modem without key operator code entry.
P86 Disablling of Auto Disables the auto power shut-off mode. 96
Power Shut-off
P90 Display the List of Sequentially displays all available programs. 97
All P Codes
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