PN-HB/PN-HM/PN-B/PN-M Brochure

Modular Mini OPS &
connectivity options.
In a world full of devices, you want the flexibility to connect to
them all.
Don’t et wires restrict your creativity when it comes to where
and how you insta your dispays.
Integrated WiFi 802.11ac on PN-HB/M modes or the optiona
PN-ZW01 USB wireess adaptor, provides an easy, cabe free
method of connecting a WiFi router to the dispays. Idea when
you want to present information in severa ocations and where
hardwire-networking isn’t practica and, to make contro and
setup even easier when instaed in diicut to reach paces,
Buetooth provides convenient connection of keyboards,
mouse and audio devices.
The optiona PN-ZB03H Mini OPS HDBaseT Receiver aows you
to transmit HDMI video and other signas over ong distances
with CAT6 cabe pugged directy into the dispay. That means
that no power cabes, power suppy or other externa devices
get in the way, giving you the fexibiity to insta the units
wherever you want and change the content quicky and easiy.
Instaing the Mini OPS HDBaseT receiver, which can support
up to 4K utra-high definition video, oers the idea soution for
any Sharp dispay mounted a ong way from the video source.
Of course, any video source wi need to be attached to a
compatibe HDBaseT transmitter.
You can aso wireessy connect to a variety of dierent smart
and mobie devices, up to 10 via the PN-ZB03W, such as Mac,
PC, smartphone or tabet, giving you the fexibiity to share
screens and show 4 devices in a spit screen mode or one at fu
screen. This is idea for oice environments when you want to
share a presentation on a bigger screen.
The optiona Mini OPS PN-ZB03PC PC (by AOPEN) is a powerfu
singe-board PC that runs quiety and reiaby, thanks to a
faness design, and oers high-definition video output. It aso
oers further functiona fexibiity with two USB3.0 interfaces,
and provides simpe, cabe-free PC integration with the
PN-B/HB and PN-M/HM series dispays.