Owner's Manual

Heating and Cooking Time Guide Con’t
Quantity Item Approximate Heating Time Comment:
100% Power
R-CD1200M R-CD1800M R-CD2200M
Plated Meals
1 small Plated Meal 1-1
min. 40-60 sec. 35-45 sec. Heat, covered, from refrig.
1 large Plated Meal 2-3 min. 2-2
min. 1
min. Heat, covered, from refrig.
Primary Cooking
4 slices Bacon 1
-2 min. 1
min. 1-1
min. Cook between paper towels.
1 pound Bacon
(precook to reheat) 5 min. 3 min. 2
-3 min. Cook between paper towels.
2 Scrambled Eggs 40-50 sec. 30-35 sec. 25-30 sec. Stir during cooking.
12 Scrambled Eggs 3
-4 min. 3 min. 2-2
min. Stir during cooking.
(precook to reheat)
1 ear Corn on the Cob 1
min. 1-1
min. 40-50 sec. Cover, turn over during cooking.
1 medium Potato 2
min. 2 min. 1
min. Wash, dry, prick.
2 medium Potatoes 5 min. 4 min. 2
-3 min. Wash, dry, prick.
40 oz. Frozen Broccoli
Pieces 11 min. 8
-9 min. 7-7
min. Rearrange during cooking.
24 oz. Frozen Broccoli
Spears 6 min. 3
min. 3 min. Rearrange during cooking.
96 oz. Refrigerated
Lasagna 30 min. 21 min. 15 min. Cover with lid for fi rst half of
at 40 % at 40 % at 40 % cooking time. Uncover for
second half of cooking time.
After cooking, allow to stand,
covered, for least 5 minutes
to make cutting and serving
Quantity Item Approximate Heating Time Comment:
100% Power(seconds)
R-CD1200M R-CD1800M R-CD2200M
8 oz. Macaroni (cheese sauce) 65-75 40-45 35-40 Heat, covered, from refrig. Stir.
8 oz. Stuffed Peppers 85-95 55-60 50-58 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Pot Pie 70-80 48-53 40-45 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Ravioli 70-80 48-53 40-45 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Shrimp Creole 60-70 35-40 30-35 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Shrimp Newburg 60-70 35-40 30-35 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Short Ribs of Beef 80-90 55-60 50-55 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Spaghetti 80-90 55-60 50-55 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Stew, Chicken 80-90 55-60 50-55 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Tuna Casserole 80-90 55-60 50-55 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Turkey Slices 65-75 40-45 35-40 Heat, covered, from refrig.
4 oz. Asparagus 20-30 15-20 10-15 Heat, covered, from refrig.
4 oz. Beans, Green 20-30 15-20 10-15 Heat, covered, from refrig.
4 oz. Broccoli 20-30 15-20 10-15 Heat, covered, from refrig.
4 oz. Carrot Slices 40-50 30-35 25-30 Heat, covered, from refrig.
4 oz. Caulifl ower 40-50 30-35 25-30 Heat, covered, from refrig.
4 oz. Corn Niblets 20-30 15-20 10-15 Heat, covered, from refrig.
4 oz. Mushrooms 20-30 10-20 8-15 Heat, covered, from refrig.
4 oz. Peas 20-30 10-20 8-15 Heat, covered, from refrig.
4 oz. Potatoes au Gratin 30-45 20-30 15-25 Heat, covered, from refrig.
8 oz. Potatoes (pre-baked) 70-80 47-52 40-45 Heat, uncovered, from refrig.