
ProtoMat 95s/II 67
9.4 Connecting the stepping motors
The stepping motors are connected per axis via a 15-pole SUB-D plug.
If a limit switch is actuated, any further axis movement towards the limit
switch is immediately blocked.
The position of the sockets is described in the section „Displays and
connections“ on page 19.
Caution! Never confuse the cable for the stepping motor and the
plotter head.
9.5 Connecting the plotter head
The plotter head is connected to the control unit by a 15-pole socket.
The position of the sockets is described in the section „Displays and
connections“ on page 19 .
A further 5-pin cable supplies the high-frequency spindle.
Caution! Never confuse the cable for the stepping motor and the
plotter head.
9.6 Setting the tool change positions
The machine must be in operational mode for this adjustment to be
The metal hood on the front of the machine must be removed before the
adjustments can be made.
› Do this by undoing the 6 (2x3) bolts on either side of the hood (see
illustration below).