User Manual

Serves 4
275g potato, cooked and mashed
275g self raising flour
100g mature cheddar cheese, grated
5ml (1 tsp) salt
5ml (1 tsp) mixed dried herbs (see tip, page 24)
2 cloves garlic, crushed (see tip, page 30)
10ml (2 tsp) whole grain mustard
1 egg (medium), beaten
75ml (5 tbsp) milk
1 egg (medium), beaten to glaze
5ml (1 tsp) fresh parsley, chopped to sprinkle
1 Place the potato, flour, cheese, salt, herbs, garlic and
mustard in a large bowl, mix well.
2Add the egg and milk, mix to form a soft dough.
Knead the dough into a round shape approx. 20cm
(8") in diameter. Place in a 25cm (10") flan dish, brush
with egg to glaze, sprinkle with parsley.
3 Place on the low rack, and bake on DUAL
CONVECTION, 220ºC, 30% for 20 minutes until
Serve with soup, cheese or salad.
Serves 4
175g wholemeal self raising flour
100g medium oatmeal
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) salt
5ml (1 tsp) bicarbonate of soda
25g margarine
120ml (8 tbsp) natural yoghurt
90ml (6 tbsp) milk
1 egg (medium), beaten to glaze
1 Combine flour, oatmeal, salt, bicarbonate of soda in a
large bowl. Rub in the margarine.
2Add the yoghurt and milk, mix to form a soft but not
sticky dough.
3 Knead lightly into a round shape approx. 20cm (8") in
diameter. Place in a greased 25cm (10") flan dish.
4Preheat the oven to CONVECTION 220ºC.
5 Use a knife to mark into 8 wedges, cut only halfway
through dough. Glaze surface with egg, sprinkle with
sesame seeds.
6 Place on the low rack, bake on DUAL CONVECTION,
200ºC, 10% for 15 minutes until golden.
Serve with cheese and a salad.
Serves 6 - 8
175g date, chopped
150ml (
/4 pint) boiling water
225g plain flour
125g wholemeal flour
125g caster sugar
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) salt
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) bicarbonate of soda
100g margarine
125g walnut, roughly chopped
150ml (
/4 pint) milk
1 egg (medium), beaten
1 Place date in a large bowl, add the boiling water, leave
aside to cool.
2 Place flours, sugar, salt and bicarbonate of soda in a
bowl, mix well. Rub in margarine until mixture
resembles fine breadcrumbs, stir in walnut.
3Add the date mixture, milk and egg, mix well.
4Grease and line, with greaseproof paper, the base of a
1.5 litre (2
/2 pint) loaf dish.
Spoon in mixture and smooth the surface.
5Preheat the oven to CONVECTION 200ºC.
6 Place on the low rack, bake on DUAL
CONVECTION, 200ºC, 50% for 20 minutes until a
skewer comes out clean.
Serve sliced, spread generously with butter.
VJC New CkBk 23/01/2003 15:45 Page 63