User Manual

Serves 4
1 x 150g ready made pizza base (approx. 9”)
50g barbecue sauce
100g mozzarella cheese, grated
100g cooked chicken, chopped
100g pineapple chunks
50g green pepper, sliced
50g red onion, sliced
1Preheat the oven to CONVECTION 250ºC.
2 Place the pizza base in a 25cm (10”) flan dish.
Spread the barbecue sauce over the base and sprinkle
with half the cheese.
3Arrange the chicken, pineapple, pepper and onion on
top then sprinkle with the remaining cheese.
4 Place on the low rack and cook on DUAL
CONVECTION, 250ºC, 30% for 10 minutes.
Serves 4
125g onion, sliced
300g leek, sliced
125g cooked ham, chopped
600g par-boiled potatoes, thinly sliced
600ml (1 pint) white sauce (see page 66)
250g cheddar cheese, grated
1 Mix the onions, leeks and ham in bowl.
2 Place half the leek mixture in a 2.5 litre (approx. 4
pint) casserole dish cover with half the potato slices,
pour over half the sauce and sprinkle with half the
cheese. Repeat with the remaining ingredients.
3 Place on the low rack and cook on DUAL
CONVECTION, 220ºC, 70% for 20 minutes.
Serves 4 - 6
300g short crust pastry
6 rashers of bacon, chopped
225g onion, finely chopped
4 eggs (medium)
300ml (
/2 pint) milk
salt and pepper to taste
100g cheddar cheese, grated
1Grease and line a 25cm (10") flan dish with pastry.
2 Place bacon and onion in a bowl, cook on 100% for 4
3Place eggs, milk, seasoning in a bowl, mix well.
4 Spread bacon and onion evenly over the pastry.
Pour egg mixture over and top with grated cheese.
5 Place on the low rack and cook on DUAL
CONVECTION, 220ºC, 30% for 25 - 30 minutes.
STILTON & MUSHROOM QUICHE: Replace bacon with 125g sliced mushroom and cheddar with stilton.
Makes 8 puddings
100g plain flour
pinch of salt
175ml milk
1 egg (medium)
8 x 5ml (1 tsp) vegetable oil
1Place the flour and salt into a bowl and make a well.
Add enough milk to make a thick paste. Add the
remaining milk and egg and whisk.
Leave to stand for approx. 15 minutes.
2 Place 5ml (1 tsp) of oil into 8 Yorkshire pudding moulds,
place one tray on the low rack and the other on the
high rack.
3Preheat the oven and trays to 220ºC.
4Remove trays and pour equal amounts of batter into the
moulds and cook on CONVECTION 220ºC for 20
VJC New CkBk 23/01/2003 15:44 Page 39