Operation Manual

Serves 6
125g dried fig, roughly chopped
125g dried apricot, roughly chopped
100g raisin
100g currant
60ml (4 tbsp) brandy
75g self raising flour
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) allspice
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) grated nutmeg
2.5ml (
/2 tsp) ground cinnamon
50g fresh breadcrumbs
75g shredded suet
100g soft brown sugar
50g blanched almond, roughly chopped
grated rind of 1 medium orange
grated rind of 1 medium lemon
1 eating apple, grated
30ml (2 tbsp) black treacle
1 egg (medium), beaten
1 Place fig, apricot, raisin, currant, and brandy in a large bowl,
mix well. Leave for 2 hours.
2 Place the flour, spices, breadcrumbs, suet, sugar, almond,
orange and lemon rind and apple in a bowl, mix well. Stir into
the dried fruit mixture along with the treacle and beaten egg.
3 Grease 1.2 litre (2 pint) pudding basin and line the base with
a circle of grease proof paper. Spoon in the pudding mixture,
smooth the surface and cover with cling film and pierce.
4 Cook on 50% for 18 minutes until firm to the touch.
Microwave Tip: Making 300ml (
/2 pint) custard
Combine 15ml (1 tbsp) custard powder, 15ml (1 tbsp) sugar and 300ml (
/2 pint) milk.
Cook on 100% for 3 - 4 minutes, stir every minute until thick.
Microwave Tip: Softening ice-cream
Place a 1 litre (1
/4 pint) tub of frozen ice-cream on the turntable (lid removed).
Heat on 50% for 1
/2 - 2 minutes.
Microwave Tip: Reheating Christmas pudding
Place a 500g pudding in a shallow flan dish.
Cover and heat on 70% for 3 - 4 minutes.
R-959(SL)M-AA.indb 86R-959(SL)M-AA.indb 86 2/13/13 2:50:20 PM2/13/13 2:50:20 PM